Breathing Different Atmospheres

Most of this tape was a set of “ambient” (for lack of a better word) pieces done by James Britt.

Some of them contain material taken from what was likely an LP of African drumming; there's no record of what that might have been.

Tape loops were used.

It's possible that a Casio SK-1 sampling keyboard was used. If so, then these pieces had to have been done around 1985 since that is when the SK-1 was released.

The other, far noisier, pieces, were almost certainly done earlier.

There is no earthly reason they should be on the same cassette, but there it is.


Breathing different atmospheres partial

Ambient studio piece by James Britt.

Breathing different atmospheres 01

Ambient studio piece by James Britt.

Breathing different atmospheres 02

Ambient studio piece by James Britt.

Breathing different atmospheres 03

Ambient studio piece by James Britt.

Breathing different atmospheres 04

Ambient studio piece by James Britt.

Breathing different atmospheres 05

Ambient studio piece by James Britt.

Breathing different atmospheres 06

Ambient studio piece by James Britt.

Washington Heights

Proto-noise version of a piece that has now become the song 'Washington Heights'.


Bass and guitar noise.

Breathing different atmospheres 07

Ambient studio piece by James Britt.